Welcome to my entry for the Lawnfawnatics #90 challenge!
I was so happy that I managed to get organised enough to enter this challenge. I particularly love these colour challenges (even though this is the first I’ve entered) as they challenge me to use minimal colours

My family Christmases inspired this scene. As a child I was so lucky to spend Christmas Day with my Dad’s side of the family, often at my Grandparent’s house.
I remember opening presents, playing with cousins, but never really sitting down for lunch myself. In fact, I don’t remember there was an exact time when everyone sat down to eat, it was more of a “help yourself when you’re hungry” deal. At least that’s what I, a busy child with new presents to play with understood.
You could absolutely count on me to be present when dessert came out of the fridge, though! Front and centre at the table, asking my Mum to put “a bit of everything” on my plate.
Christmas is slightly different now, but in a way, still looks the same.
My Grandma and Grandpa have since passed. So there’s no more trips to their house and it’s rare that we can squeeze in a visit to the cousins during the day.

We still celebrate Christmas Eve with my side of the family, having a huge dinner and opening presents before we go home.
On Christmas morning, my son (and now daughter too, it’s going to be her first Christmas this year!) will see his presents from Santa and we do a quick gift exchange between us.
It’s then over to my in-laws (how convenient that our families celebrate different days so we never have to worry about where we’ll be going on each day) for a wonderful lunch and dessert.
If we have time in the afternoon, we’ll then head back to see my family, and that’s usually when we see a bit of extended family and friends.
It’s not the same as when we were kids, but it’s certainly evolved into something that I absolutely love and hope my children look back on fondly when they are grown.

I hope you love this card!
Let me know in the comments how you will be celebrating the holidays this year.
If you’d like to see how I made this card, I’ll link my video here: